Battle Cards Online LitePaper (v0.9.2) – WIP 08/2024

Problems targeted

Huge unfulfilled demand for games with sustainable & profitable in-game features

For ages already, it goes like this: „You wanna play? You gonna pay.“

GamingTrading & Collector CardsBetting and the Crypto industries each are booming multi-million-dollar industries which are poised to continue to rise vastly in the coming years. 
In fact, even the boundaries between gaming, collectibles and betting already become blurred.
However, there are not any major games in the market aimed at pro-actively benefitting their players.

While there are myriads of options for trading your hard earned cash via in-app purchases for in-app currencies and in-app equipment like weapons, outfits and other in-app stuff (you see the pattern. You are trapped… yep… in-app.), these items usually have no other use nor value outside of the player experience within that particular game.

We believe that the ability to trade single items or collections, as well as actually converting these back into Crypto (or even FIAT) assets which you could utilise outside of the game, poses a vast opportunity for all participating parties.

Successful games already attract great communities today without these abilities, but usually community contribution really only means spending your spare time doing promotion and support for the original developers.

We believe there is a game-changing opportunity (see what we did here?) to reward community contributors (like eg lifetime royalty income for artists on subsequent sales of their work) and great ambassadors (eg on in-game success and many other mechanisms).


BCO fulfils huge demand in 4 separate multi-million-dollar markets

With a lack of games and betting/ gambling crossovers, slow and inconsequent digitalisation of the TCG market, general lack of transparency in betting and hard-to-understand modern savings & investment options, there is a huge niche for BCO.

BCO is the unique, decentralised TCG platform that will join millions of TCG enthusiasts in a community where you can buy and trade digital card assets, bet in real-time tournaments and host tournaments in your own arenas for actual profit along with building your own strategy to invest long-term in crypto and the rising metaverse economy.

BCO brings profit to players and community

The current gaming industry is far from being player-friendly. Everything is focused on spending in favour of the developer.
Usually there’s no “giving back”, let alone actually earning. 

One of BCO’s core user experience philosophies is to provide players and community with diverse ways to earn profit while playing along. There are many activities in the eco-system that allow users to earn. 

Users can earn actual profit by participating in many in-game and community activities: trading NFT cards, developing artworks, participating in battles, hosting battles and tournaments, placing bets, participating in voting, referral, reward, and bug report programs, investing in arenas, staking in their vault etc.

Fair and transparent

Decentralised solutions enable transparent, fair and safe gaming & trading to all participants of the platform. 

Digital Ledger Technology (“DLT”) provides an automated and reliable solution to many of the problems and inconveniences online gaming industries currently face. 
The main features DLT implementation brings to our digital ecosystem are: 

  • true digital ownership,
  • elimination of third parties,
  • faster & cheaper transactions

Personalized gaming experience

BCO offers a brand new approach to online gaming: personalised gaming and trading experiences beyond just the old one-way “dear customer, please hand us your money”.  We focus on making every user experience unique by offering many ways of participation.

NFT takes digital ownership to the ultimate level

NFT technology in BCO brings something the gaming industry has never seen before – unique digital assets that you can purchase, trade and use in-game as wells as make a profit from it outside of the game.

NFT guarantees the authenticity of each item and even allows to develop new use cases like portability into other digital ecosystems.

Market Overview

Video Games Market 

Out of the 8 billion worldwide population, 
3 billion people play video games
That’s already about 40% of the world population and a friggin’ billion more than just five years ago!

Asia has the highest level of gamers at 1.4 billion paying game consumers. 
Europe is second with 668 million paying game consumers, then Latin America with 383 million consumers + North America at 261 million.

The number of active gamers has been rising rapidly over the past decade, with the introduction of e-Sports, game streaming via services like Twitch and mobile gaming, to name a few. Gaming continues to grow each year and has even overtaken the music and film industry, making more money than both combined. 

The global gaming market reached a value of $180 Billion in 2020 and is expected to grow by another $119 Billion until 2024.


Sports betting market

The sports betting segment dominated the market in 2019 thanks largely to the growing use of digital platforms across the world. 
On top of that, rising disposable income in APAC has resulted in a higher spending capacity, which is also expected to contribute to segment growth. 
Today, live-action betting and fixed-odds betting are the most popular types of internet sports betting.

The global sports betting industry reached a market size of $203 billion in 2020 with no sign of slowing down.


Trading Cards market

Trading cards have been an exciting hobby sports card collecting began back in the 1940s.

Since some key players in that industry are not publicly listed, numbers of this industry are a little vague. So please allow to take The Pokemon Company (TPC) as an example, which is estimated to account for about 1/3rd of the overall market.
TPC in 2020 sold a staggering 3.7 Billion Pokemon Cards, at around $1.1B in Revenue (including their other business units like video games etc) and are said to have made around $170M in net profit. Even while these numbers are based on estimates, imagine the total market at around 2.5 -3.5x of this and it becomes clear it also represents a giant market, ripe for digital disruption. Speaking about digital: Imagine all the carbon footprint and waste of printing and shipping all these billions of cards, which are sealed in hundreds of millions paper, plastic & metal foil wrapping…

Distributed Ledger Technology impact

The integration of DLT technology into traditional gaming enables players to safely trade in-game virtual assets through smart contracts. 
DLT platforms use powerful data encryption technologies to ensure secure crypto token transactions. 

This allows game service providers and game developers to monetise their gaming services properly, even across platforms and ecosystems. 
A beneficial ecosystem as described will encourage more gaming companies to integrate DLT technology into their products to export assets and take others in, further broadening their reach into the already described vast growth market.

Saving/ Staking

Seemingly the total opposite of spending money on gaming and betting, nowadays everyone should be concerned about also building up savings strategies. 
With BCO we look to create the „accidental investment club“, which enables players to not just lose their spendings within the ecosystem as it happens in traditional games and betting business ultimately, but to learn about and participate in usually complex saving strategies, like investing in arenas (digital property) or staking (interest saving accounts). 
This is how BCO provides a fun way to play, but also to earn and (maybe even the hidden champion of BCO’s USP’s!) learn financial intelligence that can be applied in other areas of players’ lives. That’s quite a mission for a „game“!


All above described industries are booming and are expected to rise exponentially in the coming years already each on their own. 

With DLT and NFT technology approaching mass adoption, now is the best time to cross the lines and create a new platform that combines gaming, betting, trading and investing.

BCO is a combination of 4 significantly growing multi-million-dollar markets: gaming, betting and the future leader of the art market, NFT, all merged by DLT technology.


Battle Cards Online is the decentralised Trading & Battle Card platform to unite millions of TCG enthusiasts in a community where you can buy and trade NFT cards, participate in or bet on real-time battles and host tournaments in your owned arena for actual profit.

The ecosystem of BCO is created to be both simple and complex at the same time. Users can participate in their preferred way. 
Users can for example interact as a:

  • Battle Cards player
  • Art creator
  • Investor
  • HODLer
  • Bettor

In every role, users can interact with a different involvement, offering both active and passive game experiences.

The involvement would influence the profit potential. All players earn key benefits with activity earning greater rewards.

BCO Core Features

How does it work?

BCO is a platform that enable TCG gameplay and gives players the ultimate digital TCG experience through true digital ownership, enabled by NFT technology. 
The BCO platform carries not only the battles itself but also other parts of the ecosystem:

  • Card owners can buy, own and trade cards as well as compete in 1 to 1 battles or tournaments
  • Arenas host tournaments, compete against each other to attract participants and bettors
  • Bettors place bets on preferred players
  • Integrations with key service providers for eg betting, marketplaces and exchanges provide B2B business opportunities in the BCO ecosystem as well

Digital Trading Cards

Every NFT card may have a set of visible and hidden characteristics, here some examples (subject to change):
Visible: Type, Level, Attack, Defense and Utility & Speed

Hidden: Level of BattleXP

Like physical TCGs, BCO cards have different traits that define their rarity, performance, cool-down time, and ultimately value. Each card is a valuable asset that allows you to participate in battles and earn payouts.
Unlike physical cards, a NFT based BCO card even allows for dozens of unique traits within one kind of card of a series, which adds tremendously to the intrinsic value of each single card. 

We use Web3 technology to create and differentiate every card in the game. 
Cards are stored as non fungible token
Cards can initially be bought in deck packs or aftermarket on marketplaces (in-game or third party).

Every card’s general data is visible to the public. 
Users can inspect card appearance, check its battle and owner history.
The hidden characteristics may represent a fungible component and are not publicly visible.

The cards may have a level system. The level will depend on the battles participated, battles won, and overall activity on the platform. The higher the level, the higher the price. The cards can compete in arenas with same-level cards.

BCO Core game mechanics 

Step 1: “The Lobby”: Players build the Battle Decks, consisting of Character Cards, Item & Action cards:

Step 2: “The Battle Ground”: The characters get unleashed onto the playing field, the battle begins:

Card Collection & NFT marketplace

NFT cards can be purchased through the integrated shop or any other tech-compatible NFT marketplace. The owner has complete control of their NFT cards and BCO tokens stored in an assigned wallet.

The player can buy both randomly generated or specific cards. 
The cards can be sold for a fixed price or via auction.

If the user decides to buy a card from the marketplace for a fixed price, BCO tokens are being written off from their wallet. Purchased NFT cards are accounted to their wallet.

If the user has purchased a card for a fixed price from another user, NFT card ownership is reassigned to the corresponding buyer’s wallet. BCO tokens are reassigned to the user that sold the card.

All in-game assets are represented in fiat and $BCO. However, all the transactions are made exclusively in $BCO, which guarantees constant token volume and circulating supply.

Card Battles & Tournaments

Assembling your set of cards and dropping them on the battlefield (a pit or an Arena) will summon your hero fully equipped to battle your opponent.

1-on-1 Battles:

Invite other players to your pit or get invited or auto-matched to other players’ pits.

Move and act around the battlefield turn-based, utilizing your equipment, abilities and the environment to top your opponent.


Tournaments happen in Arenas. A set amount of players participate in a tournament. Every player can participate in an arena tournament for a set fee. The arena selects its participants by pre-set parameters. The winning player collects the participant fees and a set percentage from bettor stakes.

The core mechanics of a tournament

The player selects the tournament to participate in from the upcoming tournaments calendar. Players can filter upcoming tournaments by date, rules, entry fee, player quantity, hosting arena, and winning pool.

The player pays a participation fee. After the tournament, the winner is announced and $BCO token are allocated to the winning participant and bettors accounts. 
After the tournament, a cards cool-down begins.


All tournaments take place in arenas. Arenas ownership is set in NFT arena shares. One arena contains (tbd) for example 10,000 individual shares, therefore, a user can own a part or even the whole arena.

Owning more than 50% shares guarantees you a right to administrate arena tournaments. Administrators of arenas are called Arena Sovereign. If there is no major shareholder, shareholders will vote for their Arena Sovereign.

Arena Sovereigns choose how and when to host the tournaments in their arena. The tournaments can be made public, comply with certain requirements (for example have certain a winning history), or via invite (for specific users). The Arena Sovereign controls the tournaments entry fee and winner prize fund.

Owners can advertise their arena to other users and players. It can be done in the game or outside the game (social media etc). BCO controls the number of both created and active arena at all times.

The mechanics of an arena

There will be a level system for arena. Levels will depend on tournaments held, overall activity, etc. An arena might lose a level if it’s inactive.

The levels will unlock different types of appearance and eg number of player allowed in the tournament. That allows users to create different types of tournaments with more players.

Arena profits are paid to users according to their share of ownership (Tokens). 1 Token means – 0.01%


Betting takes place in arenas. The players see upcoming tournaments in a dashboard and choose where to participate. They can filter all tournaments by date, pool and preliminary coefficient.

The bettors can place bets on eg a winning player, top 5 players, etc.

The betting calculations are fully automated by an algorithm. Coefficient and all payouts are also automatic. The coefficient will be recalculated and fixed prior to the tournament start, and once betting is closed. All payouts to participants are sent automatically once the tournaments is over.

Full Automatisation

After the tournament, the winning card owner, the bettor, and the owners of an arena automatically get a payout of their winnings. The payout system is fully auto-calculated, therefore there is no place for manipulation or fraud. It is based on preset algorithms, eliminating room for miscalculations.

The owners of an arena can play without actually being online. There is no need to administrate the tournament, they can be run completely automatically.

However, given the popularity of watching gameplays, integration and live-moderation of twitch-like channels might be beneficial to draw more spectators and bettors to tournaments.

Technical Summary

NFT Token

A non-fungible token is a unit of data stored on a DLT which certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. It means that NFTs are unique. They cannot be duplicated or replaced – only one token can exist. The Radix DLT will allow users to easily store, create and send NFT tokens, in incomparable speed and effeciency, including cost.

NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. NFTs are frequently used to sell a wide range of virtual collectibles, including eg NBA virtual trading cards, music, digital images, video clips, and even virtual real estate in a virtual world.

In BCO’s case, NFT technology allows us to create and store unique TCG cards as NFT token. Each card is different and has its own unique characteristics. Later on, cards will be able to be sold, gifted, or exchanged to other users directly on our platform, or third-party NFT marketplace.

The extra layer of security

Using proven and audited technology and best practices is the way to maximize security, the basic infrastructure on BCO is built by integrating already existing solutions and practices that have been proven over time.

The encrypted seed phrase, along with other sensitive data like addresses, keys, and account data, is securely saved in the user’s local storage. No online app, website or provider can access any of that secured data – the user retains sole control over their wallet. 

The user has to verify all devices that have the access to their unique account. Unverified devices cannot log in to the account.

BCO will natively integrate with Radix DLT security features like Radix Connect, along with own and industry best practice solutions to ensure the gaming ecosystem is a safe place for every participant.


The great thing is, since the Radix project is also still building up, it’s the perfect time to build an active community and the application can be developed along that, with growing mainly out of its own funding.

Draft Roadmap:

Tokenomics (“Token Economy”)

Dual Token System:
$BCO (“Battle Coin”) & $GGX (“Good Game, Radix!”)

$BCO & $GGX token are Radix based cryptographic utility tokens that can be used on the Radix DLT. 
$BCO is the primary in-game currency for trading, and $GGX is the secondary token for player progression and unlocking in-game features.
$BCO works as Battle Card Online’s platform currency and an independent store of value for users.

$GGX aka Good Game, Radix!, is a community reward token which will be used for eg Player progression rewards, in -game assets and to (temporarily) level up cards.

$BCO & $GGX utility overview

$BCO (BattleCoin)$GGX (Good Game, Radix!) 
Card Marketplace: Use $BCO to buy, sell, or trade cards within the in-game marketplace. Player Progression: Earn $GGX through gameplay, from activities such as winning battles, completing quests, or participating in events, to level up your account and unlock new features. 
Entry Fees and Prizes: Pay entry fees in $BCO for tournaments, seasonal events, and special quests. The collected fees are redistributed as rewards. Card Leveling: Use $GGX to (temporarily) level up cards, enhancing their attributes and abilities within the game. 
Card Fusion: Spend $BCO to fuse cards to unlock additional features, attributes, or levels. Seasonal Rewards: Accumulate $GGX in-game to climb seasonal leaderboards and earn exclusive rewards, such as limited-edition cards or NFTs. 
In-Game Store: Purchase cosmetics, card packs, and other virtual goods within the in-game store using $BCO. Access to Special Events: Reach a specific amount of $GGX to unlock access to exclusive in-game events, quests, or tournaments. 
Staking and Yield Farming: Stake $BCO to earn passive income in the form of more $BCO or exclusive NFTs. Card Crafting Material: Convert $GGX to crafting materials, allowing players to create new cards or upgrade existing ones. (tbd) 
Governance and Voting: Use $BCO as a governance token to participate in decision-making processes, such as game updates, new features, and ecosystem improvements. In-Game Store Discounts: Redeem $GGX for discounts or bonuses within the in-game store, incentivizing players to accumulate and use $GGX alongside $BCO. 
Referral and Loyalty Programs: Receive $BCO as a reward for inviting new users or reaching specific milestones within the game. Customization Options: Unlock unique cosmetics or customization options for your account avatar or cards by reaching specific $GGX milestones. 
Cross-Chain Swaps: Swap $BCO for other cryptocurrencies on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) or use it within other partnered games and platforms. Reputation System: Use in-game $GGX as a measure of a player’s reputation, with higher $GGX levels granting access to premium features or exclusive in-game groups. 

$BCO utility token


$BCO is the fuel to the whole platform. While BCO crowdfunding and marketplace may offer a variety of Radix ecosystem tokens to be used (like of course the native $XRD, or $GGX), all transactions will ultimately be executed using $BCO. 
Battles, tournaments, winnings, card- and item trades are done in $BCO and/ or $GGX, depending on the scope of the (trans)action.

All in-game assets are represented in selected currency – FIAT or crypto. However, all the transactions are made exclusively in $BCO or $GGX, depending on the item. This guarantees constant token volume and circulating supply.

Deposits via cryptocurrency or traditional payment methods like a credit card, PayPal, etc. would automatically and transparently be converted to $BCO which are then used to complete the transaction. 

Referral and Rewards systems use $BCO & $GGX. 
Wallet users, influencers, social media accounts, blogs, or news outlets will receive their referral rewards in $BCO, $GGX or a mix of both.

detailed utility plans for $BCO 

Example: User earnings

One of BCO’s core user experience philosophies is to provide players diverse ways to easily and instantly earn $BCO Token. All user earnings are paid out only in $BCO, $GGX, or a mix of both. 

Examples of opportunities to earn $BCO and/ or $GGX include:

  • Artwork submission
  • Trading NFT cards
  • Participating in battles/ tournaments
  • Hosting tournaments in arenas
  • Invest in parts of an arena
  • Betting
  • Referral programs
  • Reward programs
  • Bug reporting

Example: Benefits for game developers:

  • More revenue for game developers
  • Richer player base
  • Engaged players
  • Player retention

Initital Token Allocation

We are designing the BCO Tokenomics in a way to enable Battle Cards Online to become not just an asset for players, but to really bring Web3 based gaming to the mainstream.

Since we consider economic sustainability as crucial for the success of our ecosystem, $BCO tokens will be distributed in a sustainable way. We of course aim to reward early adopters, but we’re ensuring we can reward new & existing users for years to come.

Project contributors will receive $BCO as a reward (payment). This will only increase their interest in following and contributing to the success of the project.

$BCO will be distributed with a total, immutable supply of (1 Billion) $BCO, aka “Battle Coin”.
The project plans to distribute this initial supply initially as per the following:

Ecosystem & Rewards60% 600.000.000 
Game Development18% 180.000.000 
Team & Marketing18% 180.000.000 
Airdrops & Liquidity Rewards4% 40.000.000 

Details on supply use cases:

Ecosystem & Rewards

Game Development

Team & Marketing

Airdrops & Liquidity Rewards

Value Stability & Growth Measures

Next to providing a great game and ecosystem, BCO aims to put a particular focus to make $BCO a true store of value for users. To help with this, we aim to execute a range of measures, including but not limited to:

  • Encourage users to stake $BCO for rewards, which will lock up a portion of the circulating supply, reducing selling pressure and supporting token price.
  • Offer discounts or bonuses for using or locking $BCO within the game ecosystem, incentivizing users to accumulate and use the token, increasing its demand and value.
  • Monitor the Tokenomics and adjust eg staking rewards and referral incentives periodically to maintain price stability and growth.
  • Invest in marketing, partnerships, and collaborations to attract new users and increase the game’s popularity, driving demand for $BCO.
  • Continually expand the game’s content, features, and in-game items, ensuring long-term player engagement and a thriving ecosystem.
  • Implement referral programs to encourage players to invite friends and grow the user base.

BCO aims to combine growth strategies and value stability measures, so the Battle Cards Online project can protect value for early adaptors, while maintaining and growing an active user base and ecosystem.

$GGX utility token

$GGX will start off as an internal utility token, living solely within Battle Cards Online, $GGX gets converted into our universe from earning BattleXP within the BCO universe, and will initally be used to level up the player’s account, cards or items.
Please note that beyond above mentioned core mechanisms, $GGX utility is still under development.

Business Model


BCO can be monetized in various ways:

  1. NFT asset sales – there will be regular drops on the BCO platform where players would be able to purchase assets such as cards/ booster packs and arenas.
  2. Aftermarket trade: We would take a small fee from all transactions on the platform: NFT cards sales, battles, bets, deposits, etc
  3. In-game advertisements – we may allow arena owners to create paid advertisements on our platform to attract more tournament participants and bettors to their arena.
  4. Licensing royalties/ entry fees: depending the market direction, we may allow eg merchants or providers of alternative swap platforms, betting engines etc into our platform and charge once-of and/ or recurring fees for this.

Fee structure

Fees are applied on the platform for every transaction. The size of the fee depends on the form of transactions. 
BCO example fee structure (still work in progress as per April 2024):

Standard Trade Fees
NFT artist royalty 3 %
Marketplace fees 2 %
Platform fees 4%
-> total Trade Fees10%
Examples of other fees
Participating in the tournament 2% of entry fee
Betting on a player 7% of bookmakers profit
Deposit 1 %

Journey of a NFT

  • Team issued NFT sets:
  1. Drop by sale of randomised booster packs of X cards
  2. Players play cards and/ or keep them in their collection
  3. NFT can be submitted to Marketplace for sale or auction
  4. On each successful transfer, a fee is deducted during transfer of the funds.
  • Community submitted NFT’s:

– Team works with Artists on conform game integration

– on each successful transfer, artist receives a royalty cut from above fees

  • Cooldown: 

– Character cards have a cooldown once played 
  (aka time to when can be used next time); 

– Supporter Cards may have a cooldown or can only be used certain times before get destroyed

– cooldown may be minimized by spending Tokens

Growth Model

User acquisition strategy

Every new BCO user increases successful funding for the game developers. Therefore, it is vitally important to attract and maintain a large user base.

Our user acquisition strategy is built to systematically and sustainably drive users to the platform. The following section will present the four main pillars of our user acquisition path – Affiliate Programs, Influencer Marketing, Community Angels and Reward Systems.

BCO also provides various user-oriented profit methods for its user base. Users can earn by owning an arena, advertising, and hosting tournaments, creating and trading cards, participating in the tournaments, betting on tournaments, etc.

Also, it is important to maintain the existing user base, that is why the platform is planned to be expanded by adding new gameplay opportunities and NFT assets.

NFT marketplaces

There is a huge potential in cooperation with various NFT marketplaces. That would help the platform gain exposure and increase the player base. The players could also list their cards on various marketplaces.


Creating new assets and expanding gameplay

NFT assets such as defence or attack cards, treasures and other accessories would increase the player’s performance in a battle. That would also open an opportunity to create branded content with partners and influencers/streamers.

New generations of cards could be added regularly and would be sold exclusively via drops on the platform. New arenas and arena types would be introduced regularly.

Other projects with the same token

The platform would also create an opportunity to scale the project and create similar games using the existing mechanism and the same token which would result in increased token value and volume.


The present document is dedicated for development and marketing purposes only, meaning it is not intended to be legally binding and is delivered “as is”. Nothing in this document shall be deemed to constitute a prospectus of any sort, or an invitation, or a solicitation for investment, nor does it in any way pertain to an offering, invitation, or solicitation of an offer to purchase any security, ownership right, stake, share, future revenue, company participation, or other equivalent rights in any jurisdiction.

Information in this document also does not constitute a recommendation by any person to purchase tokens, currencies, or any other cryptographic assets; neither the Issuer has authorized any person to provide any recommendations of such kind.

Forward-looking statements

Observations contained in this document may constitute forward-looking statements or speak of future events or plans. Such forward-looking statements or information involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause occurring events to be different.

Errors, inaccuracies, or omissions may also occur in any such statements or information. Accordingly, no reliance should be placed on any such forward-looking statements or information, and all Issuer liabilities are disclaimed.


As the platform economy is based on an internal $BCO coin that has no official monetary value outside the platform, no taxes are applicable to $BCO  holders. However, if a holder of a $BCO chooses to sell his or her coins for so called FIAT or digital currency, the token holder may be subjected to taxation, depending on the jurisdiction of residence. BCO bears no responsibility for any tax issues arising from the surrendering of $BCO on a secondary market.